The wind blows my ears about so that they flap like wings...... I look like I'm gonna take off and fly.
With the wind on my tail I can reach the other side of the field behind me before you could say Jack Robinson.
Mum says the wind today is called Frank. I didn't know that the wind has names. Humans are funny you know, fancy giving the wind a name!
Well, Frank blew Mum over. She was trying to get a pic of me bounding back along the bridleway with my ears flapping and not paying attention to the uneven gound. Frank caught her and blew her down on the path. I was there in a flash, jumping all over her, licking her nose and knocking her glasses squiffy. She really appreciated me helping like that, kept saying my name and something that sounded like gerrofff Callie, Callie gerroff. Anyway I got an extra treat for helping, so I'm sure she appreciated it.
This is me jumping after a field mouse ... they run then freeze you know, and if I am not sure just where they are I jump up and down - that makes them run again and I have another chance to catch one. I have done this lots and lots of times now ..... but I still haven't caught one! Still, you never know your luck, maybe one day.