Wednesday, 30 December 2015


Whoooo-hooooo its windy.  I love the wind, its exciting.  It makes me run and run and when I come back to Mum I jump up and bump her glasses with my nose ... such fun.  She has to bribe me off with an extra come-back treat.  :))

The wind blows my ears about so that they flap like wings...... I look like I'm gonna take off and fly.

With the wind on my tail I can reach the other side of the field behind me before you could say Jack Robinson.

Mum says the wind today is called Frank.  I didn't know that the wind has names.  Humans are funny you know, fancy giving the wind a name!

Well, Frank blew Mum over.  She was trying to get a pic of me bounding back along the bridleway with my ears flapping and not paying attention to the uneven gound.  Frank caught her and blew her down on the path.  I was there in a flash, jumping all over her, licking her nose and knocking her glasses squiffy.  She really appreciated me helping like that, kept saying my name and something that sounded like gerrofff Callie, Callie gerroff.  Anyway I got an extra treat for helping, so I'm sure she appreciated it.

This is me jumping after a field mouse ... they run then freeze you know, and if I am not sure just where they are I jump up and down - that makes them run again and I have another chance to catch one.  I have done this lots and lots of times now ..... but I still haven't caught one!  Still, you never know your luck, maybe one day.

Friday, 25 December 2015

He DID come ... that fat man in the red coat DID come ...

 Its Christmas morning.

Wake up sleepyheads ...
Oh drat, why?  I'm nice and snuggled and all toasty.  oh alright then .... oh what's this?
  A package ... for me?  Let me get my nose inside then ....I can pull it out all my myself .. I think I know who it comes from ....

I do, I know that smell ...

Thanks, First Dad.  I love it.

Oh my goodness, what's this?  Boz was right there IS a fat man in a red coat who comes down the chimney .... I didn't even hear him land his reindeer on my roof .......

Boz said he leaves a toy and treats .. lets get it up onto the bed so I can get at it properly ...

This is fun.  I'm glad I didn't chase him off the roof so he couldn't come down the chimney ...  in fact he can come down my chimney any night he  likes ....

Phew ... that was a job ... glad Mum was there to help, its quite heavy ... bet it got lots of food inside .....

I'll just bat it about a bit first and see if anything falls out ...... no ... oh well, I'll just had to get my nose inside! 

Boz was right ... treats and a squeaky furry thing .. I like this Christmas lark .... how often does it happen?  I'll have to ask Boz ...

I can smell turkey cooking ... oh boy I REALLY like this Christmas lark ....


Thursday, 24 December 2015

Christmas Visiting

Something really different happened ....

I saw one of my beds being put into the back of the car, and I knew something was up.  I stuck very  close to my folks while they faffed about indoors, then they put me in the back of the car in my bed and we went for a drive.  I knew we weren't going to the field cos it took much longer to get there.  When we did it was somewhere strange.  A house I had not been to before - with a big dog called Boz. Boz is a Rhodesion Ridgeback so he is a big boy.  Mind you he had nice manners and didn't mind me going into his house.  I explored a bit, then smelled something good .... and my folks and Boz's folks sat down to dinner.  I did my best poor starving Pointer act, but no-one was buying it, worse luck.

Boz said that every year at this time a fat man in a red coat parks his sleigh and reindeer on the roof and comes down the chimney ..... well, I'm not sure I'm letting anyone come down MY chimney ...

 Boz and Callie round the Christmas tree

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Paying the Price for a Duck Roll

Traumatised.  Totally. ... and it wasn't just Her this time, my lovely Daddy actually helped Her instead of rescuing me! .... the shampoo and buckets of warm water torture .... then, to crown it all, She could still smell some of the good stuff I rolled in ... and she sprayed me, SPRAYED me with that awful dog deodorant stuff .... and she said she could still smell it and that it ought to be done ALL OVER AGAIN .. but Dad did rescue me then - I think he was tired of getting all those buckets of water ... anyway I escaped then.  I'm staying close to Dad .. and not going anywhere near Her nose, no, not all ...

.. but, oh boy, was it worth it!  I managed to get across the river at a shallow part and splashed around in the muddy reeds ... and you will never guess what my nose told me .. DUCKS it said, ducks were here not long ago ... so they must be near ...

I climbed up the bank and found farm fields, lovely to run across the ploughed up mud.  Also they had spread something really pungent all over the place, and I managed to find a spot where they had dropped a heap of it, so I had a lovely lovely roll.  I could see Mum on the other side, waving her arms about and jumping up and down.  Doing exercises or something ... nothing to do with me ...

Had a smashing time, running free and then came back to the river to hunt through the undergrowth on the banks ... and there they were ... three of them .... on the river - sitting ducks!  Well, they weren't sitting for long, I can tell you.  I had them up in the air squawking their silly heads off ..

Dont know what ducks use for brains, but the daft things just flew up the river a bit and then settled down again .... so I had another go, and up they went again.  Only this time they really flew away - spoilsports ... and talking about spoilsports, when I went back to Mum all bouncy and pleased with myself, she brought me home and inflicted the water torture on me.

...... but with a bit of luck I might get to do it all over again ....

PS  Mum said they had been muck-spreading .....with chicken manure and the stuff off the bottom of the cow shed and pig sties ...

PPS  ...and she send my lovely Dad out to try to clean the stink out of the back of the car ... good luck with that Dad!

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Wonderful Wednesday ...

Had such fun this morning.  Went to new place for walk.  It was lovely, all new smells and things to do.  I tend to get bored with the same old thing, so I had a great time.  Bridleway, footpath, crop field and meadows - what more could a Pointer require? .... to know that breakfast was waiting for me, of course, but it always is ...

Spot Callie ...


 Get out the treats bag, here I come ...  smoked pork sausage today, that's worth coming back for.


Drat! I was nearly under that gate into the cow field when she spotted me.  What's the hassle - no cows in there at moment .... oh cow pats - I really hadn't noticed ....  (next time I'll be quicker!)

There is something just so much more appealing in a muddy puddle than a boring old water bowl ...

..and now home for breakfast and a snooze ..

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Santa's Little Helper

 Well, does it suit me? 
Add caption

Who are you laughing at?

Its not funny, you know.  I'm doing my best to help -

..and I have no idea why Mum says its taking her three times as long to do anything...

Friday, 11 December 2015

Here I am again.

Well here I am again.  We have experienced a bit of trouble - our computer caught a virus, then Mum caught it off the computer and then Dad caught it off Mum.  I was the only healthy one in the house!  Mind you, its easier to get away with things when they haven't the energy to object.  We have now firmly established that Callie IS allowed on the furniture. 

I even get cushions, nice one huh?

They held out for a while, but I wore them down and they gave in and just put a cover over the small settee for me.  I knew I would get there in the end so I did persevere, sometimes you just have to when your people are being uncooperative.

There's my old mate, Peanut with his Mum.  For some reason Peanut is wearing some sort of strap on blanket.  I reckon that is okay for a small dog who doesn't have an image to keep up.  Just hope that my Mum doesn't get ideas from that ....

Peanut's Mum has a ball and a sort of throwing stick.  Peanut cant take his eyes off it.  Must admit I am not really all that interested.

That stick does throw the ball a long way, though, and Peanut  - and the other dog who joined us that I dont know - run after it.

I took the opportunity to go hoover up some rabbit currants while Mum wasn't looking.  For some reason she objects.  I will never work out why humans object to the most simple pleasures of dogs, like eating rabbit droppings and rolling in fox poo. But there it is, so I have to manage it when her attention is elsewhere.

At the moment there is a lot of interesting stuff happening in the house.  All to do with something called Christmas .......  I expect I shall find out all about it ... after all my nose is in everything ....