This is good. We have our field back. Its the one right behind our house. We haven't been here for simply ages because it was growing a crop. Now the harvesters have cleared it - I could watch them go back and forth from the end of the garden.
Its good for two reasons, 1. its right behind our house so we dont have far to go before I get to leggit all over the place, and 2. it means that the pheasants and partridge have forgotten I'm around and taken to sitting on the ground.
Its a large 40 acres field, so I get lots of run and there are so many delightful smells to investigate. Its not only the birds, its rabbits ... and .... the new housing estate next door must have a cat in every house, and they all think the field is their playground. Heads up, cats, how fast can you run?
Okay, moving on.
Another day, another adventure.
Its ages since I've been over the riverside. Dad's been taking me along the bridleway, and Dad doesn't take the camera, but this morning Mum's in charge and I going to meet my mates and get a nice paddle .....
Yep, here come the girls ....
..... and the boys ....
.... and other dog's treats bags ...
...all is right with my world! ......
....because here comes another one! ...
... move aside spaniel, go play with your ball, let me through to that bag ...
...and here I come for second helpings ...
You would think she could take a photo by now without getting her finger in the way, wouldn't you? Ah well.
I got my second helpings, this Mum likes me a lot. I lick her face and she laughs and reckons that I'm adorable. She is right, of course.
Just noticed the Basset. Haven't seen her before. I'm amazed how fast she can run on such stubby legs. Cant keep up with me, though.
I got my paddle .... x lots .... but didn't stay in long as the water is getting colder around my tummy!
Now all we need is a bar-b-q to make the day complete. Dad's gone up the Butcher's. Dont forget my sausages, Dad!