GSP's (which, in case I haven't mentioned it, stands for German
Shorthaired Pointer, i.e. me) are very intelligent, which means we need
to have lots to keep us occupied. We get bored quickly if Mum doesn't supply entertainment. Then there is nothing for it but for me to entertain myself. Its fun to see how fast I can de-stuff a soft toy and how far the stuffing will go. The only down-side to this is that it doesn't take long.
Then Mum comes along and says "Oh Callie!" But I am so good at just looking away and ignoring the mess, in effect letting her know that its nothing to do with me at all, that it makes her laugh. Mum's not bad at that trick either, she leaves it for Dad to pick up. As I can do no wrong at all in Dad's eyes, that is not a bad idea at all.

Doesn't take Mum
long to realise that I am bored and need to go over the field again.
I've found that not only is the field good for running and paddling in the river, there are places to explore. Tunnels through the bushes and things. I like exploring. You never know what could be hiding in bushes - could be a pheasant or two to scare, or maybe rabbits. Anyway I have found a couple of very muddy entry points into the river where Mum cant see the mess I am getting into. Now that is FUN.
Dad has been poorly for a few days and hasn't been able to take me over the field. I hope he gets better quick or he will have forgotten everything I tried to teach him about pheasant/partridge scaring. Ah well, I shall just have to start all over again ......
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