Saturday, 24 October 2015

The New Toy

thanks Mum

When Mum came home from shopping she bought me a new toy.  This one has five squeekers inside, lovely.  Must admit I go through toys pretty quickly, but I'm having a lot of fun with this one.

anyone watching?
no? I'll just bury this under the sofa.
I like shoving toys under the sofa.  Once I get them
there I can whine and fuss until someone comes and 
gets it out for me.  Then I toss it around a bit - then 
rebury underr the sofa.  I can keep this up for AGES.
I have a lot more patience than the folks - and 
stamina, lots of stamina.   It takes stamina to be
a perfect nuisance - and I, of course, am Perfect.
and pull the sofa cover and cushions off ....

another one bites the dust ... and in record time as well .. under 5 minutes from new toy to empty toyskin and litter .....      
wot new toy?  dont see one .....

Friday, 23 October 2015

Its a tough life.

These funny little mud-mountains have been popping up all over the park.  Mum says they are molehills.  I reckon that where there are molehills there are moles - I would love to meet a mole so I do a little excavating to see if I can find one home ... so far, no luck.
molehill before Cally

molehill after Cally
But I am determined and I just know if I keep digging.....

You know, when you come to think about it, the odds are stacked against us GSPs.  Rabbits and moles disappear under the ground, squirrels nip up the nearest tree and pheasants fly off squawking.  Sometimes life just aint fair.

... did I say that?  I must have known ...... both Mum and Dad have just attacked me with a bowl of suddsy water ... I have been soaped within an inch of my life .... dried and, oh the horror of it - sprayed with groom spray, which is just the equivalent of doggie deodorant!  Oh the cruelty.  Fancy them being so mean when all I did was have a lovely roll in the middle of the field.  Well, yes, there was a trifle of fox poo there, okay, maybe a bit more than a trifle .... but does that justify their behavior?  ... and its not the first time I have been subjected to this treatment.  I ask you, all that fuss because of a totally superficial coating of fox poo.

Oh wait a minute, I think I see some corned beef coming my way ... perhaps life isn't quite so bad after all ....

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Wakey Wakey ...

The dog who doesn't do mornings .....

Wakey Wakey .... Rise and Shine

 .... wot?  Do I HAVE to?  I'm nice and
snuggly here ....

Awwwww ... Mummm .... did you HAVE to put these pictures on ... how embarrassing is this!!

....any chance of breakfast ... snap, crackle and pop?

Sunday, 18 October 2015

All in a day's play.

No-one around to play with, so I make do with the ball for a while.  Gotta do something! I have a whole lot of energy to work off.     

 Oh wait a moment, things are looking up - there's Peanut just arrived.


 Hi Peanut.  Haven't seen you for a while, where you been?  Dog Sitter?  What's a Dog Sitter?  Oh, someone who looks after you while your folks go away for a week, and where you have a lot of fun.  That's good, bet you are glad to have them back though.                                                                            

  .. er .... Peanut ... that's MY ball!  Okay, the chase is ON!

Went over the meadows later, and there was this loud chuff chuff noise coming from behind the hedge, over the river.  Then this thing came into view.  Never seen one of them before.  Boy was it noisy, but it was over the other side of the river so I didn't panic.  All of a sudden it made this awful WheeWhoWhistle so loud it made me and Mum nearly jump out of our skins.  But I was brave, I protected Mum (from behind her, of course - I'm brave but not stupid! ).  Luckily it counldn't get across the river so we were safe.

There were lots of people and dogs about, and I met Zak.  Isn't he super.  He's a German Wirehaired Pointer.  Dont see many of them.   Wish Zak lived here, but he was just visiting his folks people.  Zak is only 18 months old and he runs ... and runs ... and boy is he fast.  Neat on the turn as well.  He looks a bit scruffy because he has been in the river - besides GWPs are not as beautiful as GSPs .
                   And I, of course, am Georgeous.  Dad says so.  Come visiting again soon Zak.
                  ... and yes, you guessd, that IS the rolypoly beagle in the background.  He may be a bit
                  ....  er .... generous of figure, but he can still run!  Couldn''t catch us though. :))

Gottago.  Lunch is ready, then a nap I think ...

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Good Girl, Bad Girl

Here we are again, at last.  Its been so long I have forgot some of the things I wanted to tell you.  It couldn't be helped though,  Mum's laptop went wibbly-woggly and it took Dad the whole day to fix it.  He said something got fried, but it certainly didn't smell like beef burgers, I like beef burgers.  I also like the slices of smoked pork sausage in my treats bag - I get two every time I am given my medicine.  Tasty.

Must confess I did something when Mum was out shopping and Dad's attention was not on me.  I ate the birds bread.  It was in a dish of water, soaking, and was right at the back of the kitchen worktop.  When I stood on my back legs and reached out with a paw I could just get it hooked on a claw.  So I hooked it over to the edge and ate the lot.  Organic wholemeal is wasted on birds.  Dad was worried, but Mum said as it was soaked with water it would not swell up in my tummy, just give me the runs.  I thought she meant over the fields, until I needed to go poo ..........

Mum started to take a ball with us over the park.  To give me something to do when none of my friends were about for me to chase.  She threw the ball and expected me to run after it.  okay.  great  I can do that.  Then she expected me to bring it back to her.  What for? I played with it for a while, then got fed up and dumped it.   Over the other side of the field.  Mum went and found it.  Human's are so strange, why throw it away if she still wanted it?

I reckon its just as much fun to fish something out of the rubbish bin at the picnic site and play with that.  Mum always puts it back when I've finished with it.  Maybe so it will be there for me again tomorrow?  

I've put this picture of trees in to please Mum.  She goes on about how lovely they look when the early morning sun lights them up.  Well, I ask you, trees?  I'm a girl, I dont do trees!  If I was a boy I'd be more interested.  But there you are, it keeps her happy.

Besides, trees can be a real nuisence.  They are an escape route for squirrels.  I can run much quicker than a squirrel, but I dont stand a chance when they nip up a tree!

I can spin round in circles and bark as much as I like but the dratted things dont fall down where I can get at them.  I'm sure they are just sitting up there laughing at me.  

Saw a funny thing when we went out over the fields in the evening.  Was a bit apprehensive at first, but it didn't actually do anything, so I took no notice and carried on hunting for birds.  Didn't take long to home in on a couple of pheasants.  Boy you should have heard them clacking as they flew away.  They dont fly very high, and one day I am sure I will get at least a tail feather!

Oh well, I'm for bed.  Its quite a tiring job keeping Mum and Dad busy all day.