No-one around to play with, so I make do with the ball for a while. Gotta do something! I have a whole lot of energy to work off.
Oh wait a moment, things are looking up - there's Peanut just arrived.
Hi Peanut. Haven't seen you for a while, where you been? Dog Sitter? What's a Dog Sitter? Oh, someone who looks after you while your folks go away for a week, and where you have a lot of fun. That's good, bet you are glad to have them back though.
.. er .... Peanut ... that's MY ball! Okay, the chase is ON!
Went over the meadows later, and there was this loud chuff chuff noise coming from behind the hedge, over the river. Then this thing came into view. Never seen one of them before. Boy was it noisy, but it was over the other side of the river so I didn't panic. All of a sudden it made this awful WheeWhoWhistle so loud it made me and Mum nearly jump out of our skins. But I was brave, I protected Mum (from behind her, of course - I'm brave but not stupid! ). Luckily it counldn't get across the river so we were safe.
There were lots of people and dogs about, and I met Zak. Isn't he super. He's a German Wirehaired Pointer. Dont see many of them. Wish Zak lived here, but he was just visiting his folks people. Zak is only 18 months old and he runs ... and runs ... and boy is he fast. Neat on the turn as well. He looks a bit scruffy because he has been in the river - besides GWPs are not as beautiful as GSPs .
And I, of course, am Georgeous. Dad says so. Come visiting again soon Zak.
... and yes, you guessd, that IS the rolypoly beagle in the background. He may be a bit
.... er .... generous of figure, but he can still run! Couldn''t catch us though. :))
Gottago. Lunch is ready, then a nap I think ...
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