Friday, 15 January 2016

Its stopped raining ..... yeahhhhhhh

Well, would you believe it, its stopped raining.  I thought it was going to go on forever.  I dont like rain.  Its wet.  I really dont like going out when its raining, not even to wee in the garden. .. and the mud over the fields was really gooey, and I got coated every time. This meant I had to wait on the mat while they went and got stuff to wipe me down with.  I hate having to be wiped down when I get home from a walk, I know my breakfast/dinner is waiting in my bowl and I want to get to it NOW.  Besides, we dont see many of my friends when its so muddy.  Their folks let their dogs stay in the warm/dry. However, once I am out there, I find plenty to keep me busy.  Like the other day when I took off across the fields and managed to get across the river which borders the bridleway.  Mum says the bridge is about half a mile away, but it seems closer when I run fast.  Anyway I went across and came back on the other side of the river - and couldn't get back across cos that river is much bigger, and it was looking deep and running fast as me.  I must admit I panicked a bit and started running back and forward not knowing what to do. I could see Mum, but couldn't get to her.  Mum can be quite bright at times and found a way to get me back across another bridge, but I must admit I was worried for a time there.

Anyway, its stopped raining, and the mud has gone hard and cold.  The gang is out to play again over the meadows.
 There's the gang coming.  Now things are getting more interesting.

I am quietly sneaking off towards that house over there - they put out all sorts of stuff for the birds and I have found a hole in their hedge wherre I can get in .... eat your heart out birds, cos that is all you are going to get if I get there first!   Oh drat, she's seen me, I can hear the whistle calling me back ...double drat!

Just saying hello to Scooby.  He is as big as me and built like a tank - and he loves to run.  So we ran, really fast, in big circles around Mum and Scooby's Mum.

Scooby may be as big as me, and much heavier, but he keeps up fine.  Mind you, he isn't as smart as me and he doesn't always look where he is going when we are running fast - and he ran straight into Mum full tilt.  Mum flies quite well, but her landings are not so hot.

We went home after that and Mum was the one covered in mud and not me - and she didn't sit on the mat at all.  Some things are just not fair.

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