Sunday, 29 May 2016

Messing about in the river.

When its hot and sunny, its no fun wearing a fur coat, not even a beautiful brown and grey spotted one.  So .. there is only one thing to do really, and that is whine and fuss, push and shove Mum - because she is the best pushover for non-scheduled, extra, walks.  Besides Mum goes to the meadows where the river lives.  When I first came here I was a bit suspicious of the river.  I would go in if one of my friends was already in, and I could see how deep it was - I'm not daft, in fact I am the brightest lightbulb in the pack, and I wasn't going to leap in blind and find the water was over my toenails!  As I got more used to dipping my toes, I didn't mind going a bit deeper - up to my knees.

Now, when its hot, I'm in.  Its deliciously cooling wading in where the water comes up to my tummy.  This water has some magic in it, you know.  As I wade up and down cooling off, the river turn me into a great big puppy and I have to
run around in circles and then leap all over Mum until she is as wet and muddy as me.

Its clear, cold and delicious.  I dont CARE if fishes wee in it, Mum, I LIKE the taste.

I could stay over here all afternoon, no problem.  Oh, dinner ? mmm ... Okay back to the car, I'll help you in the kitchen ....

I like helping in the kitchen.  It smells good and I know that eventually I shall get a little taste of everything when its ready.  Besides, there might even be something coming my way now if I sit patiently and look hungry.  Pointers are ever hopeful.

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