It was a busy morning over the meadows. Everyone seemed to be there. Probably it was the bit of sunshine which brought them out. Its been raining so much, and everything get soggy, but a nice bit of warm sunshine and everything changes.
See that Border Collie in front, with its eyes on my Mum, I have to watch that one. Its sussed out that my Mum has really tasty treats in her bag and it keep begging them from her. Its NOT ON. Those tidbits are MINE. Keep your distance Border Collie!
On the way to the splash, I found this thingie. I was really curious, and gave it a little poke with my nose. Cheeky thing hissed at me and rolled up in a ball! .... and to add insult to injury when I gave it a little poke, gently mind, cos its so small, I got my nose prickled!
I was quite puzzled as to what it was.
Then I realised what it is - its the Wildlife! Must say it seems a bit
silly that the man was leaving the long grass for the Wildlife when the
Wildlife is so tiny. Mind you, not complaining, that long grass is
magic for bouncing - and hiding from Mum :))
This is me waylaying Mum. I have just raced back at top speed, and screeched to a half in front of her - she was getting a bit worried that I was going to go straight over her ! (silly Mum!), but I have good brakes . I sit right in front of her feet and give her this big grin. I'm not moving until she has given me a treat. If she tries to go to one side I just shift over a bit so I am still sitting right in front. Mum calls me a Mugger, but I get my treat!
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Monday, 20 June 2016
Making hay and chasing play.
I've been down the fields with Dad for the past few days, so when Mum took me over the meadows I had quite a shock. There was this machine and it was cutting all the lovely long grass. I like that long grass, its where I do my best bouncing, so I was a bit miffed.

It was going up and down the field dragging a big cutting machine behind it. When it came down near us I gave the driver my best "I am NOT amused look".

It must have worked because he only cut half the field, leaving the other half for 'the wildlife'. I reckon that means me, cos I like going wild in the long grass.
Met up with a couple of mates and we went sniffing around a bit, had a good paddle in the river and got our legs really covered in mud. Mum reckoned it was time to take me along to the splash so I could wash off all mud. The splash has a nice sandy bottom, and lots of dogs go there to play. There is even a log bench for Mum to sit on while I do my thing.
Dora was already there. She is a Spaniel, and like all Spaniels completely bonkers. She has a one-track mind and lives to run after the ball or stick her Mum throws for her. Its a bit difficult to get her to play Chase Callie .... but I found the way ...
... I got there first and nicked her stick! ..... it wasn't difficult because my legs are much longer than her little stumpy Spaniel legs and I go faster ....... and I ran off with it.
Right across the splash into the reeds on the other side .. I did lead her a merry chase.
I got pretty wet, but Dora was soaked. All that Spaniel hair dripping .. I thought her Mum was really pleased.
Dora's Mum took her home. I expect she was tired out with all that splashing about and the weight of all that wet hair. Pointers have a lot more energy than that though ...
.... I was still running ...
It was going up and down the field dragging a big cutting machine behind it. When it came down near us I gave the driver my best "I am NOT amused look".
It must have worked because he only cut half the field, leaving the other half for 'the wildlife'. I reckon that means me, cos I like going wild in the long grass.
Met up with a couple of mates and we went sniffing around a bit, had a good paddle in the river and got our legs really covered in mud. Mum reckoned it was time to take me along to the splash so I could wash off all mud. The splash has a nice sandy bottom, and lots of dogs go there to play. There is even a log bench for Mum to sit on while I do my thing.
Dora was already there. She is a Spaniel, and like all Spaniels completely bonkers. She has a one-track mind and lives to run after the ball or stick her Mum throws for her. Its a bit difficult to get her to play Chase Callie .... but I found the way ...
... I got there first and nicked her stick! ..... it wasn't difficult because my legs are much longer than her little stumpy Spaniel legs and I go faster ....... and I ran off with it.
Right across the splash into the reeds on the other side .. I did lead her a merry chase.
I got pretty wet, but Dora was soaked. All that Spaniel hair dripping .. I thought her Mum was really pleased.
Dora's Mum took her home. I expect she was tired out with all that splashing about and the weight of all that wet hair. Pointers have a lot more energy than that though ...
.... I was still running ...
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Father's Day
I still have (half) the toy you sent me for Christmas. Its the only one that lasted. I play with it all the time.
Lots of Love from Calypso.
I still have (half) the toy you sent me for Christmas. Its the only one that lasted. I play with it all the time.
Lots of Love from Calypso.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
3am shower
I've decided that I just hate adventures that happen in the middle of the night. Last night I had to get Mum out of bed as usual, wee, drink of water, pooh, cant make my mind up but just thought I needed a trip out in the garden, so I was quite exhausted when I finally got back to sleep. I was fast asleep when I rolled off the bed. I must have knocked the pipe thingie where Dad is fixing a new radiator. Suddenly there I was, only half awake, when I was drenched in cold water. There was a hissing noise and a fountain shooting up in the air from the radiator pipe. Mum was out of bed faster than I knew she could move. Dad came and twiddled something and it stopped, but not before there was a small pond on the bedroom carpet. I watched all this from a very safe place - on Mum's pillow. Dad says that it was a thousand to one chance that the thingie could have been hit in just the right way to cause a fountain, and it just had to happen to me! I know its not every night that I get soaked in cold water, but I'm keeping my eye on that radiator, I surely am.
I've had my walk and my breakfast, so I'm going back to bed. I'm exhaused and every girl needs her beauty sleep, especially if she is to stay as gorgeous as me.
I've had my walk and my breakfast, so I'm going back to bed. I'm exhaused and every girl needs her beauty sleep, especially if she is to stay as gorgeous as me.
Sunday, 5 June 2016
A Pointer's work is never done ....
Besides being totally gorgeous I am very helpful, you know. Pointers are extremely intelligent. That means that I can help my folks out with any number of chores around the home. Being intelligent means that I do like to get my nose into most things. Dad reckons that the rustle of a crisp packet half a mile away gets my immediate attention. He also reckons that I can break the sound barrier getting to it. Well, that is just one of my many talents.
I help Mum make the bed, for instance :
Just checking that the corners are properly tucked in.
Helping to straighten the top sheet. When that is laid down to my satisfaction I will check those corners as well.
Checking out the final result. Making sure its fit for us all to sleep on. After all, you would not want to go up to bed tired and then find out that its uncomfortable. .... so I comfort check it for us all.
I help with taking out the trash.
...and check the recycling. Its good to make sure that only the recycling is present, no odd bits of general trash. I will go check the general trash next, providing they dont come home from shopping before I can get to it.
There is something else that I am extraordinarily good at ..... washing the dishes :
Why ever they had to go and get a new dishwasher I cant imagine - I am a really efficient dishwasher, and its no trouble at all, really it isn't .....and just think, the money saved on electricity could be used to buy me extra treats ... sausages would be good, and dont forget that I like hotdog sausages best.
Ah well, all those household chores have tired me out, I think its time to go check the bed again ...
I help Mum make the bed, for instance :
Just checking that the corners are properly tucked in.
Helping to straighten the top sheet. When that is laid down to my satisfaction I will check those corners as well.
Checking out the final result. Making sure its fit for us all to sleep on. After all, you would not want to go up to bed tired and then find out that its uncomfortable. .... so I comfort check it for us all.
I help with taking out the trash.
...and check the recycling. Its good to make sure that only the recycling is present, no odd bits of general trash. I will go check the general trash next, providing they dont come home from shopping before I can get to it.
There is something else that I am extraordinarily good at ..... washing the dishes :
Why ever they had to go and get a new dishwasher I cant imagine - I am a really efficient dishwasher, and its no trouble at all, really it isn't .....and just think, the money saved on electricity could be used to buy me extra treats ... sausages would be good, and dont forget that I like hotdog sausages best.
Ah well, all those household chores have tired me out, I think its time to go check the bed again ...
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