Thursday, 9 June 2016

3am shower

 I've decided that I just hate adventures that happen in the middle of the night.  Last night I had to get Mum out of bed as usual, wee, drink of water, pooh, cant make my mind up but just thought I needed a trip out in the garden, so I was quite exhausted when I finally got back to sleep.  I was fast asleep when I rolled off the bed.  I must have knocked the pipe thingie where Dad is fixing a new radiator.  Suddenly there I was, only half awake, when I was drenched in cold water.  There was a hissing noise and a fountain shooting up in the air from the radiator pipe.  Mum was out of bed faster than I knew she could move.  Dad came and twiddled something and it stopped, but not before there was a small pond on the bedroom carpet.  I watched all this from a very safe place - on Mum's pillow.  Dad says that it was a thousand to one chance that the thingie could have been hit in just the right way to cause a fountain, and it just had to happen to me!   I know its not every night that I get soaked in cold water, but I'm keeping my eye on that radiator, I surely am.

I've had my walk and my breakfast, so I'm going back to bed.  I'm exhaused and every girl needs her beauty sleep, especially if she is to stay as gorgeous as me. 

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