When we go for a walk the only thing to do is head straight for the splash. I can spend ages just messing about in the river.
I was just poking around and I found something interesting. It took a fair amount of poking and scraping, but I got it up. Hey, its my half-a-ball!
I happily played tossing-it-over-my-shoulder and then digging it up again for a while until my mates arrived.
Patrick is a Setter and he is usually up for a bit of a chase, but this time they had Grandma with them ...
..and like all good Grandma's she has an almost- never-ending supply of treats.
You have never seen such well-behaved dogs. Sitting nicely in front of her. Mind you, we had a bit of an ulterior motive - Grandmas was going nowhere. She wasn't getting past us until that treats bag was empty - and we had each investigated it thoroughly to make sure!
You can come again, Grandma, any time.
On the way back to the car we saw a huge column of black smoke coming from the farm buildings. Then we heard that whoo-whoo-whip-whip-whoo sound, coming near and nearer.
It was large red-and-yellow truck with ladders on top. The first one had hardly got its hoses sorted out when a second one arrived.
The old barn was well on fire, and the trees behind it were burning too, but the Firemen had large size hoses and put lots of water on it. When the roof of the barn collapsed lots of sparks few up .. it was a bit like fireworks night only not so noisy.
We watched from across the road with the rest of the spectators - dont know where they all came from, unless the Fire Engine brought them along for the ride ....
Mum went shopping and came home with a new toy for me. I just love new toys. This one has a very satisfactory squeek ... I can almost play tunes with it.
After a while Dad disappears up to his computer and puts his headphones on. Cant think why.
This is my very biggest I'm-a-happy-puppy smile.
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