Sunday, 25 December 2016

Its Christmas! YEAHHHHHH

Oh my.  Oh my goodness, He's BEEN!  How did he do that?  How did he sneak past me?

I was watching out for him.  When I went out on a bathroom call at 3.30 I stood scanning the sky for a while to see it I could catch a glimpse of his reindeer and sleigh.  No luck.

But all the time that sneaky Santa must have been lurking so he could put my stocking there on the bed. 

Well, never mind the how of it, lets see what is IN it.

But first lets investigate this parcel.  It looks and smells most interesting.

Yeah, I know who sent it.  Its a new toy.  One that will outlast all the others.

Thanks, First Dad.

Yo!  a stuffed toy.  A squeaky Santa.  I'll make him squeak all right.

I'll destuff  him later.

And treats!  Lots of treats.  I manage to get one out of each pack before Mum spirits them away to put in my treats box. 

This is so exciting.  My tails is wagging so much Dad says its likely to drop off!  No chance.

Let me in there.  I want to see what's down the bottom.

I'll find that squeak.  

And bite his legs ...

Its all been so exciting, and I've played and played while the folks have dodged about with that stupid camera.

.... and its plain tired me out.  I need a quick forty-winks to charge up my batteries so I can help out with the turkey later.

Love Callie

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