Saturday, 11 March 2017

Helping in the garden

Its been a lovely day today, nice enough to get the folks out in the garden.  Dad mowed the grass.  He doesn't let me help - meanie!  Once he was done, Mum went out to do a bit of tidying up - that is much more like it, FUN!  Herself pulls bits up out of the ground and breaks/cuts smaller branches.  She puts them in the compost sack.  I pull them out as soon as her back is turned.  Its so entertaining, she spots me and then the chase is on.  I run rings around her - literally.  he he  Its totally useless her saying "Callie STOP"  Its just not going to happen. ...........

..... not until she is out of breath and gives up the chase.  Then I will start the demolishion of whatever I've managed to filch - up the other end of the garden from her, of course, so I can leggit before she gets close enough to make a grab.

Only drawback to a stick is it can be awkward to keep in position to demolish, so I have  developed a special grip ........   smart, huh?

Mind you, the stick was my second choice.  I did find a dead mouse but herself took a serious objection to me tossing it up in the air and making off before she could grab me.  She wasn't too keep on me rolling on it either.  Some people can be such spoil sports.

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