Sunday was warm and sunny, so the first thing I did was to take Mum out to find the nearest footpath. We didn't have far to go, just about 100 yards from Woodpecker Cottage, is a lovely place for me to stretch my legs. Bet you can hardly see me in this pic as I was off so fast the camera click just couldn't keep up.
Did you spot me? That dot in the distance is me. This one is easier - its me nearly back again!
Mum was wittering on about wild flowers, but I was more intested in an intriguing smell....... its not often that I cant identify a smell right away. Dad says my nose will never go rusty.
Devon grass tastes different, so I have to sample a bit here and there.
I was happily grazing away, giving Mum time to catch up to me (she's terrible slow going uphill, you know, and I have to hang around until she makes it!). So there I was minding my own business when there was this noise ....
... from the field behind me ...
Baaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I looked over my shoulder ...........................
... and shot four foot back in a bit of a hurry.
I honestly dont mind watching them from respectable distance ....
... but, really, it was time for her to take me home - when she managed to stop laughing, of course, honestly some people need to get their sense of humour in order .....
... and later I walked them all the way into Membury along the lane - they call them 'roads' , you know, but Mum says they are more like footpaths with a bit of tarmac thrown down as Dad has had to flip the side mirrors flat to the sides to the car to get through without taking half the hedge along too. Now that was a long walk and quite tired them out - I, of course, was ready to go again! Still it was a two-poo-and-a-paddle walk, and therefore quite satisfactory for one day.
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