Think what it would do to my reputation as a Big Hunter. No. No way. Not going there. Besides, purple is just not my colour.
Phew, that was close, but thank goodness Mum got the message. I agree with Dad that I dont need a sleeping jersey. If I get a bit chilled in the night I just cuddle up to Dad and he covers me over with my blanket and I'm soon all toasty.
I know she's also got a sheepskin lined waterproof jacket hidden away in the wardrobe, but so far she hasn't brought that out, so we will deal with that when it happens. Its no good, you know, I am just going to have to stop her going to Pets at Home unsupervised.
It may be cold out, but I run a lot and that keeps me warm. There was frost on the grounds this morning, ice instead of puddles .. but that doesn't stop me going in the Splash. Especially if my mate Toffee is there ... what a silly name that is, Toffee, but that is what they called him in the Dog Shelter because he is toffee coloured (or so I'm told, being as the meanies dont give me toffee its difficult to judge for myself).
This is Toffee. He is a bit of a mental case (there's a lot of it about, you know). He discovered a large rock over by the other bank and he is determined to drag is over to this side.
Its big. Toffee keeps going. He is not going to be beaten by an uncooperative rock. He is determined.
It takes a while but he gets it to this side. I had no idea how he waas going to get it home. However, his new Dad loves him to bits and said he is going to bring his barrow down and get it home that way.
He may have been a stray, and put in a Dog Shelter, but he knew what he was doing when he picked his new Dad. Mental yes, daft no, our Toffee.
Awww, come ON, Toffee, my paws are getting cold and I'm out of this freezing water!
.. and this is Finn. You only have to look at him to know that he is a right nutter. ... but he is just what one needs when the paws are cold and need warming up with a great run-and-chase session.
..and I have no idea who these two are or how they sneaked up on me ... just because I was engrossed in nibbling on rabbits poo and away with the fairies I didn't hear or see them coming. Quite took me by surprise they did.
Us looking noble to have our picture taken. Mum says you would never imagine that rabbit poo was on the menu just a moment ago...