It also means that Mum walks further over the meadows when she doesn't have to keep yanking her boots out of the mud. Why does she bother with those things? I dont have them and I know I couldn't run half as fast with those silly things on my feet. Of course, if she didn't have them on she would have to sit on the mat and have her feet rubbed clean when we got home........
oh do hurry up, I've been waiting AGES! |
I can run very fast and I get there so quick, which means I have to wait for AGES for her to catch up and open the gate. Why dont they make gates that Pointers can open?
there's gotta be a rabbit down there ... |
This is my mate Mad Eddy.
He is rabbit crazy.
Totally bonkers. If he cant see any to chase, he tries his hardest to dig them up, and boy oh boy can he dig! When he does get his head out of the hole - which isn't often I must admit - he can run fast too. Mum says that he is a bitsof, a bit of spaniel, a bit of something spotty and heavens knows what else. The only bit missing is the brain.Eddy is friendly and Mum says he is adorable. When she says something like that she has to give me an extra piece of cheese or sausage so I dont sulk.
Meet the Powder Puff Mafia.:
Help! Surrounded! |
... and this is only half of them! There I was, minding my own business (sniffing around the bushes for something interesting) when I turned around and found myself surrounded. That's the boss (the white one, he's the biggest and he only comes up to my knees if you dont count the tail). He comes to say hello, the rest just potter about.
All of a sudden this - something - comes up and tries to lick my nose ...
whatever IS it? |
but there is no way it can reach, even standing on its back legs, so I have to go down to it - not sure what it is, its about the size of a toy, and wearing a woolly jumper ....
then its on its back with its legs in the air .... I didn't shove it, really I didn't, just nosed it a bit and it rolls over ... honest ...
I was very relieved when the boss turned up and said it was okay, it did that all the time. Its only a little baby powder puff thingie and its brain isn't working yet ...
Well, all in all, a most interesting day.
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