Friday, 6 November 2015

6th November

Well, the most dreaded day of the year is over.  5th November.  All that noise.  I dont like it one bit, but if Mum sits on the floor with me and tickles my tummy I forget all about the noise.  So I had a lot of tummy tickles from both Mum and Dad and it was soon all over.  Once I went to bed I didn't worry about a few stray bangs cos I had Mum one side and Dad the other and I was all nice an snuggled in the middle.  So the dreaded day came and went.  No problem.

...and today its windy.  I love the wind, it blows my ears about.  When its windy its exciting and I have to run and run, faster and faster.  Must have gone all around the meadows at least three times while Mum just walked across.  I went too fast for her to get a picture of me.  Its been raining a lot and its a bit muddy, well, ok, very muddy, but I dont mind a bit.  Mum, however, is apt to be a bit unreasonalbe about mud.  
see how pathetic I can look, not that it gets me anywhere!

I have to sit on the mat while I get my paws cleaned.  I ask you, how unnecessary is that?  Besides, there are carpets, I can wipe them myself on the carpets, no problem, but no, she has to have her way and I have to sit on the mat.  I can tend to sulk a bit until its over and I can dash inside to get my breakfast which lovely Daddy has put down for me.  I am Daddy's girl, his Gorgeous Girl he says.

Remember those swans I met some time ago?  Well, I met their Mum and Dad.  I dashed down to the ford for a paddle and there they were, sitting on the water.  I looked at them and they looked at me.  Well, what could I do? I'm a bird dog after all, so I had a little bark -just a little one.   They started to come over to say hello, but I didn't like the look in their eye so I backed off up the bank, on the understanding that *she who barks and runs away, lives to bark another day*.  Smart, huh?

looking for Mum

time to go home
 Last week we had some lovely sunny mornings, but by evening time the mist came down and I could hardly see the nose in front of me.

But the best is the dark-time when, very occasionally, Dad will take me out for an extra walk over the fields.  Its magic, I can sneak up on the pheasants and they cant see me until the last minute.  Dad cant see me either, but he knows where I am by the pheasants sqwarking as I put them up in the air.  They are lazy birds and soon come down again and I get to sneak up all over again.  Love that.

I'm not keen on the mist.  Mum gets lost and it takes me a while to find her.  The whistle helps, but it can still be a bit of a job, so I take her home.
dont bother me now, I'm busy

I have an amazing nose. You wouldn't believe how much information I get from my amazing nose.  I can sniff out so much stuff that I get engrossed in it and you can call me until you are blue in the face and I wont hear you until I'm done.  Even the whistle wont disturb my concentration.

PS :  I'm very good at detecting interesting stuff in waste bins as well.

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