They say a picture is worth a thousand words ......
I'm saving that for Boxing Day.
Monday, 26 December 2016
Sunday, 25 December 2016
Its Christmas! YEAHHHHHH
Oh my. Oh my goodness, He's BEEN! How did he do that? How did he sneak past me?
I was watching out for him. When I went out on a bathroom call at 3.30 I stood scanning the sky for a while to see it I could catch a glimpse of his reindeer and sleigh. No luck.
But all the time that sneaky Santa must have been lurking so he could put my stocking there on the bed.
Well, never mind the how of it, lets see what is IN it.
But first lets investigate this parcel. It looks and smells most interesting.
Yeah, I know who sent it. Its a new toy. One that will outlast all the others.
Thanks, First Dad.

Yo! a stuffed toy. A squeaky Santa. I'll make him squeak all right.
I'll destuff him later.
And treats! Lots of treats. I manage to get one out of each pack before Mum spirits them away to put in my treats box.
This is so exciting. My tails is wagging so much Dad says its likely to drop off! No chance.
Let me in there. I want to see what's down the bottom.
I'll find that squeak.
And bite his legs ...
Its all been so exciting, and I've played and played while the folks have dodged about with that stupid camera.
.... and its plain tired me out. I need a quick forty-winks to charge up my batteries so I can help out with the turkey later.
Love Callie
I was watching out for him. When I went out on a bathroom call at 3.30 I stood scanning the sky for a while to see it I could catch a glimpse of his reindeer and sleigh. No luck.
But all the time that sneaky Santa must have been lurking so he could put my stocking there on the bed.
Well, never mind the how of it, lets see what is IN it.
But first lets investigate this parcel. It looks and smells most interesting.
Yeah, I know who sent it. Its a new toy. One that will outlast all the others.
Thanks, First Dad.
Yo! a stuffed toy. A squeaky Santa. I'll make him squeak all right.
I'll destuff him later.
And treats! Lots of treats. I manage to get one out of each pack before Mum spirits them away to put in my treats box.
This is so exciting. My tails is wagging so much Dad says its likely to drop off! No chance.
Let me in there. I want to see what's down the bottom.
I'll find that squeak.
And bite his legs ...
Its all been so exciting, and I've played and played while the folks have dodged about with that stupid camera.
.... and its plain tired me out. I need a quick forty-winks to charge up my batteries so I can help out with the turkey later.
Love Callie
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Christmas is coming.
Its beginning to smell a lot like Christmas! My nose is never mistaken. So, I'm volunteering for extra kitchen duties.
This is my 'oh do let me help you, Mum' look. A smiggin of whining accompanies it. Starting out very quietly and gradually rising in volume.
... and it ALWAYS works! Mum is a pushover for tidbits.
Dad is a bit harder nut to crack - I manage to overcome his resistance in the end, but it takes a bit more work.
Waiting for Santa.
This is my 'oh do let me help you, Mum' look. A smiggin of whining accompanies it. Starting out very quietly and gradually rising in volume.
... and it ALWAYS works! Mum is a pushover for tidbits.
Dad is a bit harder nut to crack - I manage to overcome his resistance in the end, but it takes a bit more work.
Waiting for Santa.
Friday, 16 December 2016
Fishy stuff
Its been another interesting day. I have been busy helping the folks to do maintenance on the fish tank. I do like to get up close and personal with the fishes. Its quite amazing how they can do back flips and whizz about bouncing off the glass when I just (very gently, honest) bomp the front glass with my nose. Mind you, I have to do it when the folks are not looking.
The have to watch where they are going when they are carrying full buckets of water about, as I am usually right behind them and I'm not going to be amused if they trip over me as I would probably get wet, and I dont *do* wet.
Must admit that it does look nice now, though.
It is getting dark so early now that sometimes I have to go out for my walk in the dark. When I gallop off over the field they cant see me, and if its Mum taking me she get jittery cos she doesn't know where I am. She keeps blowing the whistle and I have to run back and reassure her. Well, okay, so I get a treat each time, but if I'm on the track of a pheasant/rabbit its a bloomin' nuisence. So ... she has bought me this bright flashing collar so she can see me in the dark. Dad says its a bit fairy and wont use it, but Mum has the last word on this cos, after all, bright pink is just right for a girly girl.
The have to watch where they are going when they are carrying full buckets of water about, as I am usually right behind them and I'm not going to be amused if they trip over me as I would probably get wet, and I dont *do* wet.
Must admit that it does look nice now, though.
It is getting dark so early now that sometimes I have to go out for my walk in the dark. When I gallop off over the field they cant see me, and if its Mum taking me she get jittery cos she doesn't know where I am. She keeps blowing the whistle and I have to run back and reassure her. Well, okay, so I get a treat each time, but if I'm on the track of a pheasant/rabbit its a bloomin' nuisence. So ... she has bought me this bright flashing collar so she can see me in the dark. Dad says its a bit fairy and wont use it, but Mum has the last word on this cos, after all, bright pink is just right for a girly girl.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Its just that time of year 2
The run-up to Christmas is just so exhausting.
Helping Mum unpack boxes, pulling out all sort of stuff. Helping with the tree (getting under the step ladder when she is trying to put the star on the top - dont know why she got stressed, it only wobbled a little bit). Dad is just as bad when he is trying to get down from the loft at the same time as I am trying to get upstairs. If he didn't put the steps in such an awkward place I wouldn't have to wiggle underneath, now would I? So its really all his own fault if its wobbled or moved over a bit. If his legs were a bit longer he would be able to reach it, no worries.
Any way, its all go. I'll just have a little rest while they fiddle around trying to get the lights to work.
Helping Mum unpack boxes, pulling out all sort of stuff. Helping with the tree (getting under the step ladder when she is trying to put the star on the top - dont know why she got stressed, it only wobbled a little bit). Dad is just as bad when he is trying to get down from the loft at the same time as I am trying to get upstairs. If he didn't put the steps in such an awkward place I wouldn't have to wiggle underneath, now would I? So its really all his own fault if its wobbled or moved over a bit. If his legs were a bit longer he would be able to reach it, no worries.
Any way, its all go. I'll just have a little rest while they fiddle around trying to get the lights to work.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Its just that time of year ..
Oh dearie dearie me, she's at it again .....
I'm going into hiding until she is done in case she decides to put me on the Christmas tree ...
Mind you, I have been helping. I helped Dad get the boxes down from the loft by walking around the stepladders. This meant shoving the ladders over a bit cos there is not much room at the top of the stairs. Dad had to check each time he wanted to get down that the ladders were still there.
I am helping Mum put up the Christmas tree. So far I have managed to get my nose into every box. Maybe that is why they say I have the longest, noseiest nose in the business. I have glitter on my eyebrows and *snow* on the end of my nose.
I am, of course, adorable ..... especially when I glitter.
I'm going into hiding until she is done in case she decides to put me on the Christmas tree ...
Mind you, I have been helping. I helped Dad get the boxes down from the loft by walking around the stepladders. This meant shoving the ladders over a bit cos there is not much room at the top of the stairs. Dad had to check each time he wanted to get down that the ladders were still there.
I am helping Mum put up the Christmas tree. So far I have managed to get my nose into every box. Maybe that is why they say I have the longest, noseiest nose in the business. I have glitter on my eyebrows and *snow* on the end of my nose.
I am, of course, adorable ..... especially when I glitter.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Christmas shopping
Come on Callie, she says, we're going shopping.
Now, I'm quite willing to stay at home in the warm with Dad, but it seems that Dad is going too and they dont leave me home alone much. I dont mind ... I find interesting things to do ... but if they dont want to spend time clearing up after me when they get home they take me with them. Spoil sports.
So here we are, in the shopping centre car park. I am not jumping out enthusiastically - neither is Dad!
Oh wait a minute ... that doesn't look too bad. Maybe I'll come after all. There are some nice people working in there and there is always a treat behind the check-out counter for me.
Well, I AM georgeous. Who could resist me?
I'm not moving until I'm sure she has seen these. One - or more - of these would fit nicely into my Christmas Stocking. Mum, tell Santa I want one of these ....
Now I have it, its Christmas Shopping! Now that is different. I can see lots of things Santa can bring me .... of these .... this one will do nicely.
Why cant I have it now? I dont do waiting .... oh all right then, but make SURE you tell Santa which one it is, I'm quite selective you know, and its THIS one I want ....
Oh NO .... no no no no ...what has she done to me? I'm a Pointer not a reindeer.!
Whatever will my fan club say if they see me like this??
Oh.. seems I have a new fan. I like little girls, they think I'm georgeous, but if she wants my attention she had better have a biscuit in her other hand ....
So now I'm collecting fans. Its these dratted antlers, I'm sure it is ... I'm gonna rip 'em to pieces, tiny little pieces ... just see if I dont ...
Oh, she does have a biscuit ... there are plenty of them in here ... look behind you little girl, there are some real munchies there ...
..... and I'm not moving from this spot until I have eaten every single crumb.
Maybe Christmaas Shopping is not so bad after all.
Now, I'm quite willing to stay at home in the warm with Dad, but it seems that Dad is going too and they dont leave me home alone much. I dont mind ... I find interesting things to do ... but if they dont want to spend time clearing up after me when they get home they take me with them. Spoil sports.
So here we are, in the shopping centre car park. I am not jumping out enthusiastically - neither is Dad!
Oh wait a minute ... that doesn't look too bad. Maybe I'll come after all. There are some nice people working in there and there is always a treat behind the check-out counter for me.
Well, I AM georgeous. Who could resist me?
I'm not moving until I'm sure she has seen these. One - or more - of these would fit nicely into my Christmas Stocking. Mum, tell Santa I want one of these ....
Now I have it, its Christmas Shopping! Now that is different. I can see lots of things Santa can bring me .... of these .... this one will do nicely.
Why cant I have it now? I dont do waiting .... oh all right then, but make SURE you tell Santa which one it is, I'm quite selective you know, and its THIS one I want ....
Oh NO .... no no no no ...what has she done to me? I'm a Pointer not a reindeer.!
Whatever will my fan club say if they see me like this??
Oh.. seems I have a new fan. I like little girls, they think I'm georgeous, but if she wants my attention she had better have a biscuit in her other hand ....
So now I'm collecting fans. Its these dratted antlers, I'm sure it is ... I'm gonna rip 'em to pieces, tiny little pieces ... just see if I dont ...
Oh, she does have a biscuit ... there are plenty of them in here ... look behind you little girl, there are some real munchies there ...
..... and I'm not moving from this spot until I have eaten every single crumb.
Maybe Christmaas Shopping is not so bad after all.
Friday, 4 November 2016
A nice autumn morning.
Its really autumn now and the leaves are on the ground - which gives me something interesting to root through, especially when we find the place totally empty of friends to play with. I'm hoping that if we hang around a bit someone will turn up .....
.... and they did! oh ... a treat? ... well I dont mind if I do.
.... and I can see someone coming round the corner ...
oh GREAT, its Dotty Dora, now we are on for chase. Spaniels are such FUN. I like Spaniels. Few functioning brain cells between nose and tail, but lots of fun. :))
While I was playing, Mum had gone and got herself in the middle of the prickly stuff that I usually avoid.
She had found nice ripe blackberries. Now I do like a blackberry or six ......
... after eating them, I decided that maybe I could do it myself as it was taking her so long to get a handful for me.... I had a go at picking blackberries. Its not as easy as it looks you know, and I got a mouthful of prickles, so decided that Mum could do the picking and I'd just concentrate on eating them for her.
Along came Albert. He is getting on a bit now at 9+ and is a bit grizzled around the muzzle. He doesn't do a lot of running around, but he is extremely interesting to chat with, Pointer to Pointer..
Albert doesn't have a tail. He says it was cut off when he was a tiny puppy. I am so glad that I have my tail. I reckon my tail is quite elegant. Mum says that a white tail on the end of a dark brown back looks like they ran out of the right colour and had to stick on whatever they could find. Cheek! Besides, if I didn't have a tail she couldn't call me CallieWaggy.
After a good romp over the fields there is nothing quite as satisfying as de-stuffing a toy and burying the remains under the cushions dragged off the settee.
Dad picks up the de-stuffed stuffing so we dont have a snow storm in the lounge.
I can demolish stuffed toys very quickly. I count it as one of my chief talents.
After all that activity I definitely need to catch up on a bit of beauty sleep.
The mess is all your's Dad.
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Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Its a hard life.
Its a hard life. Have to choose between cushions, bed and sofa for my nap. I get my beauty sleep during the day because I have to keep taking Mum out into the garden at night time so that I can wee. Its the way my digestive system works so they have had to adapt and get used to it.
Wish she would take that dratted camera somewhere else, its clicking is keeping me awake.
Wish she would take that dratted camera somewhere else, its clicking is keeping me awake.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Catch up time ...
Got a bit behind, so really have to do 2 blogs in one, so you better be sitting comfortably.
This is good. We have our field back. Its the one right behind our house. We haven't been here for simply ages because it was growing a crop. Now the harvesters have cleared it - I could watch them go back and forth from the end of the garden.
Its good for two reasons, 1. its right behind our house so we dont have far to go before I get to leggit all over the place, and 2. it means that the pheasants and partridge have forgotten I'm around and taken to sitting on the ground.
Its a large 40 acres field, so I get lots of run and there are so many delightful smells to investigate. Its not only the birds, its rabbits ... and .... the new housing estate next door must have a cat in every house, and they all think the field is their playground. Heads up, cats, how fast can you run?
Okay, moving on.
Another day, another adventure.
Its ages since I've been over the riverside. Dad's been taking me along the bridleway, and Dad doesn't take the camera, but this morning Mum's in charge and I going to meet my mates and get a nice paddle .....
Yep, here come the girls ....
..... and the boys ....
.... and other dog's treats bags ...
...all is right with my world! ......
....because here comes another one! ...

... move aside spaniel, go play with your ball, let me through to that bag ...
...and here I come for second helpings ...
You would think she could take a photo by now without getting her finger in the way, wouldn't you? Ah well.
I got my second helpings, this Mum likes me a lot. I lick her face and she laughs and reckons that I'm adorable. She is right, of course.
Just noticed the Basset. Haven't seen her before. I'm amazed how fast she can run on such stubby legs. Cant keep up with me, though.
I got my paddle .... x lots .... but didn't stay in long as the water is getting colder around my tummy!
Now all we need is a bar-b-q to make the day complete. Dad's gone up the Butcher's. Dont forget my sausages, Dad!
This is good. We have our field back. Its the one right behind our house. We haven't been here for simply ages because it was growing a crop. Now the harvesters have cleared it - I could watch them go back and forth from the end of the garden.
Its good for two reasons, 1. its right behind our house so we dont have far to go before I get to leggit all over the place, and 2. it means that the pheasants and partridge have forgotten I'm around and taken to sitting on the ground.
Its a large 40 acres field, so I get lots of run and there are so many delightful smells to investigate. Its not only the birds, its rabbits ... and .... the new housing estate next door must have a cat in every house, and they all think the field is their playground. Heads up, cats, how fast can you run?
Okay, moving on.
Another day, another adventure.
Its ages since I've been over the riverside. Dad's been taking me along the bridleway, and Dad doesn't take the camera, but this morning Mum's in charge and I going to meet my mates and get a nice paddle .....
Yep, here come the girls ....
..... and the boys ....
.... and other dog's treats bags ...
...all is right with my world! ......
....because here comes another one! ...
... move aside spaniel, go play with your ball, let me through to that bag ...
...and here I come for second helpings ...
You would think she could take a photo by now without getting her finger in the way, wouldn't you? Ah well.
I got my second helpings, this Mum likes me a lot. I lick her face and she laughs and reckons that I'm adorable. She is right, of course.
Just noticed the Basset. Haven't seen her before. I'm amazed how fast she can run on such stubby legs. Cant keep up with me, though.
I got my paddle .... x lots .... but didn't stay in long as the water is getting colder around my tummy!
Now all we need is a bar-b-q to make the day complete. Dad's gone up the Butcher's. Dont forget my sausages, Dad!
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Its a dog's life!
Well we did have a few cooler days, but now its hot hot hot again. The only thing to do on days like this is to find somewhere to flake out. The small settee is one of my favourite places when the curtains are drawn to keep the sun out.
Go point that camera at someone else, I'm busy snoozing. Actually, I can snooze all day, but I make up for it, I keep them coming up and down stairs all night. Wee! Drink of water. Wee ! another drink of water and maybe a bit of grub. Poo. Snooze. Wee again, Mum, snooze. Oh I can keep it up all night. Mum reckons I am the cause of the black circles under her eyes. When Mum finally flakes out and hands over to Dad I get my trip into the garden, but that is it, game over. Dad dont play that game.
Never mind, by the time Dad takes over I have had a few trips into the garden, at least three drinks of water, and possibly another couple of bowls of grub. Good game.
Well, dont just stand there Dad, make yourself useful, tickle my tummy! The folks reckon I have the most tickled tummy in the universe.
We wait until its cooler before we go out for a walk, but I am still heading at full speed for my hole in the hedge. Its a shortcut to the next field where my main objective is ... the splash.
Over in the field across the river they have harvested the crop the old fashioned way, and have pitched onto the trailer. It will go to the old mill to be ground into flour, and then baked into bread which they sell on days the mill is open to the public. All done as it was in the past.
Dad thinks this is interesting. There is no accounting for humans.
Now THIS is interesting. They went out shopping. The meanies put all the rubbish bins up on worktops where I couldn't get to them to investigate. So I had to look elsewhere for entertainment. I found it in the dining room. Dad had put a couple of bags of barbeque charcoal under the table. That bag just sort-of fell open in my mouth, so I had a bit of a dig around. It went a long way. Unfortunately they came home before I got to the second bag.
Barbeque night again tonight Dad? I love helping Dad with the barbeque. I've found the charcoal for you, so no excuses!
Well, dont just stand there Dad, make yourself useful, tickle my tummy! The folks reckon I have the most tickled tummy in the universe.
We wait until its cooler before we go out for a walk, but I am still heading at full speed for my hole in the hedge. Its a shortcut to the next field where my main objective is ... the splash.
Over in the field across the river they have harvested the crop the old fashioned way, and have pitched onto the trailer. It will go to the old mill to be ground into flour, and then baked into bread which they sell on days the mill is open to the public. All done as it was in the past.
Dad thinks this is interesting. There is no accounting for humans.
Barbeque night again tonight Dad? I love helping Dad with the barbeque. I've found the charcoal for you, so no excuses!
Saturday, 6 August 2016
Its never boring - even when its hot!
Its been so bloomin' hot that none of us have wanted to do very much. Its been a good time to catch up on my essential beauty sleep. Mum's got a good trick for hot days, she splashes a few ice cubes into my water bowl and I do a bit of cube-catching ... I chase them around the bowl with my nose until I can grab one and crunch it up. Like that trick.
When we go for a walk the only thing to do is head straight for the splash. I can spend ages just messing about in the river.
I was just poking around and I found something interesting. It took a fair amount of poking and scraping, but I got it up. Hey, its my half-a-ball!

I happily played tossing-it-over-my-shoulder and then digging it up again for a while until my mates arrived.
Patrick is a Setter and he is usually up for a bit of a chase, but this time they had Grandma with them ...
..and like all good Grandma's she has an almost- never-ending supply of treats.
You have never seen such well-behaved dogs. Sitting nicely in front of her. Mind you, we had a bit of an ulterior motive - Grandmas was going nowhere. She wasn't getting past us until that treats bag was empty - and we had each investigated it thoroughly to make sure!
You can come again, Grandma, any time.
On the way back to the car we saw a huge column of black smoke coming from the farm buildings. Then we heard that whoo-whoo-whip-whip-whoo sound, coming near and nearer.
It was large red-and-yellow truck with ladders on top. The first one had hardly got its hoses sorted out when a second one arrived.

The old barn was well on fire, and the trees behind it were burning too, but the Firemen had large size hoses and put lots of water on it. When the roof of the barn collapsed lots of sparks few up .. it was a bit like fireworks night only not so noisy.
We watched from across the road with the rest of the spectators - dont know where they all came from, unless the Fire Engine brought them along for the ride ....
Mum went shopping and came home with a new toy for me. I just love new toys. This one has a very satisfactory squeek ... I can almost play tunes with it.
After a while Dad disappears up to his computer and puts his headphones on. Cant think why.
This is my very biggest I'm-a-happy-puppy smile.
When we go for a walk the only thing to do is head straight for the splash. I can spend ages just messing about in the river.
I was just poking around and I found something interesting. It took a fair amount of poking and scraping, but I got it up. Hey, its my half-a-ball!
I happily played tossing-it-over-my-shoulder and then digging it up again for a while until my mates arrived.
Patrick is a Setter and he is usually up for a bit of a chase, but this time they had Grandma with them ...
..and like all good Grandma's she has an almost- never-ending supply of treats.
You have never seen such well-behaved dogs. Sitting nicely in front of her. Mind you, we had a bit of an ulterior motive - Grandmas was going nowhere. She wasn't getting past us until that treats bag was empty - and we had each investigated it thoroughly to make sure!
You can come again, Grandma, any time.
On the way back to the car we saw a huge column of black smoke coming from the farm buildings. Then we heard that whoo-whoo-whip-whip-whoo sound, coming near and nearer.
It was large red-and-yellow truck with ladders on top. The first one had hardly got its hoses sorted out when a second one arrived.
The old barn was well on fire, and the trees behind it were burning too, but the Firemen had large size hoses and put lots of water on it. When the roof of the barn collapsed lots of sparks few up .. it was a bit like fireworks night only not so noisy.
We watched from across the road with the rest of the spectators - dont know where they all came from, unless the Fire Engine brought them along for the ride ....
Mum went shopping and came home with a new toy for me. I just love new toys. This one has a very satisfactory squeek ... I can almost play tunes with it.
After a while Dad disappears up to his computer and puts his headphones on. Cant think why.
This is my very biggest I'm-a-happy-puppy smile.
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